Saturday, October 31, 2009


A Halloween tale from my spooky vault.
Most of my life I had a love affair with Halloween because I found it as an opportunity to unleash my playful and creative dimensions of my personality. I started as a teenager creating exotic and unusual haunted houses and it continued well into my professional years. I even went so far as to install a revolving bookcase (revolving from my consultation room to the reception room in my office on cherry Lane in Meridian to entertain my patients. It continued year around as a vehicle for surprising my patients and making them laugh when it was least anticipated. For many years my staff and I prepared for weeks prior to Halloween, trained numerous volunteers, put thousands of people through a black light, music and special effect filled maze from one end of the office to the other. We donated the profits to local school organizations and were fortunate to have local television station and front page coverage on “The Idaho Statesman” newspaper. I ended my yearly intense Halloween projects with the production of “Goose Bumps and Beads of Sweat”, a Horror musical theatrical production complete with maniacal witches, large slithering snakes and singing blood sucking zombies throughout the was a riot...and a huge success. Halloween has always been for me a fun adventure filled with bounteous memories of great volunteers, outrageous laughter and miles of smiles. So to all my patients today I wish you a HAPPY SAFE HALLOWEEN.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dottie's Bash - Successful and Memorable - THANKS EVERYONE!

Last Friday October 23rd we had our Party Bash for Dottie. It was a great success and very intimate with our patients who could be with us and those who were thinking of us. Dottie has been an inspiration to me and I want to thank her for all the wonderdul years we have endured successfully.
I want to also thank all the individuals that helped me organize our event and appreciate your time and efforts as I know Dottie does as well.
Well, to another 26 years with Life To Your Years and may all the new experiences we have be as good as those from our fondest memories. Here are some pics of our gathering.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Understanding My Fear - A Breakthrough

It was screaming in my head..get up! Get up and write. I didn’t want to.... or so I thought! I’m tired, I didn’t sleep well...I’m comfortable in bed...It’s cold out there...I don’t really know how to write...I’m not any one is really interested in what I have to say...on and on and on and on.

But it wouldn’t go away...face your FEAR..say what you have to least get it out there..put it on paper...put it on the radio...put it on film...just put it somewhere until someone, somewhere sees it the same way I do.
Of course I am not the only one with this vision but it is so big and so important and so needed that no matter how small or seemingly insignificant my voice may be it still can make a sound that can be heard.
There are many things in life that are important to me God, family, friends, patients, and my health. I don’t believe that I am any different than any one of you and in different stages and times in my life I have become confused of how to arrange my priorities. My health is important because it is the means by which I can move forward with the speed and mental clarity and energy I need to accomplish what I believe is my purpose in life. Perhaps we are similar in that many times in my life I have made poor choices for a thousand different reasons and abused my health. I didn’t respect myself and my health, didn’t feel good about myself, or believed that no one else cared so why should I. Even as starters those and many other reasons somehow often justify my decision to not value my health and to even abuse it. The difference is however, I know better.
There is a knowledge and experience within my being that tells me I am not being honest with myself and that I am afraid. Fearful of what it is going to take to make my voice heard, fearful of the rejection, fearful of the slow progress that I’ve already experienced putting my little toe in the cold water, fearful of my inadequacies getting in the way, fearful of the lack of finances, fearful that I am on the wrong track, fearful that I can’t be the total example that I need to be to be understood and fearful that this journey will end like other times as a disaster in my life.
Well my conclusion through all the rubble of previous earthquakes in my life is that I can’t run away from what I now I must do. Each day brings a new understanding, and a new challenge with another door opened and a consistently renewed vision to get back on track. Whatever it takes the break through my fear is what I must do. See the fear for what it is...rooted in self doubt...and a distortion of the truth. If you believe that you have been created for a reason and you are not an accident...then you may believe as I do there must be reason for all of this chaos, suffering, and even injustice. It is my reason and my passion to press on and encourage you to do the same.

Monday, October 26, 2009


National Chiropractic Month is a nationwide campaign held each October. This year’s activities will focus on headache treatment. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. Chiropractic has been proven to be an effective treatment for several types of headaches including tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck.
While many people associate chiropractic care as a treatment for bad backs, there is growing documentation that chiropractic is also effective in the treatment of cervicogenic headaches, migraines and cluster headaches. "Research shows that spinal manipulation is an effective treatment option for headaches,".

"Not only does drug-free, conservative chiropractic care provide almost immediate relief from pain, but it has significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief than many commonly prescribed medications."
Additionally, doctors of chiropractic are trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling-all of which are important components in the management of chronic headache pain. If you frequently suffer from headaches, I and ACA recommend the following tips.
• If you spend a large amount of time in one fixed position, such as in front of a computer, take a break and stretch every 30 minutes to one hour.
• Low-impact exercise may help relieve the pain associated with primary headaches.
• Drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day to help avoid dehydration, which can lead to headaches.
• Avoid slouching.
• Try a low-fat, high-complex carbohydrate diet. A recent study demonstrated that such a diet can dramatically lower the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraine headaches.
• Reduce stress at home and work by planning ahead and engaging in relaxation and breathing exercises.
• Get plenty of sleep and maintain a regular sleep schedule.
This October, during National Chiropractic Month, give me a call and talk with me about how I can review the options of better health awareness mentoring in headache relief through spinal manipulation and chiropractic care.
When it comes to managing headache pain, there's no magic solution that works for everyone, but chiropractic care is certainly an effective treatment option every patient should keep in mind.

Friday, October 23, 2009


It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join in a celebration with Food and Drink for Dottie Hines. Dottie as most of my patients know has been with me for 26 years and she is also going to be having a birthday. We are having an open house today Friday, October 23, 2009 during 12:00pm-6:0pm at our offices at 1500 W. Barrett Drive in Meridian. Please offer your congrats to Dottie and we look forward to seeing you at our celebration. If you join us you will also be learning about our new journey in Health Awareness Mentoring with "Life To Your Years". I look forward to seeing you and please respond to the invite you received in the mail.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

WATCH MY BACK! - Health Care Reform - GIVE YOUR VOICE!

As the health care reform moves forward we must stand up for our rights and lower health care costs by voting to include chiropractic care as a guaranteed benefit in any health care reform bill approved by congress.
The health care reform debate will mostly impact those unfortunates (of which there are many, regrettably) who have yet to understand and appreciate the wellness that chiropractic care can provide. Their health tends to come in spurts, interrupted by doctor visits, prescription drugs and over-the-counter self-infliction. If you haven't already joined the battle, now is the time. As you may expect, and as has been suggested in several articles in this publication, there are two primary avenues that will allow you and your patients to get involved in the decisions being made for health care reform: and, the advocacy Web sites of the ACA and the ICA, respectively.
Please don't let your organizational preference shape your participation; their efforts are united and their goal is the same: to increase the odds that more people will have more access to chiropractic care, now and in the future. And isn't that what we all want?
CLICK ON THIS LINK: American Chiropractic Association - Legislative Action Center and make your voice heard on this important matter.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Health Fair Exhibit - Results are Here

This past weekend we participated at the Idaho Business League Health Fair and it was a pleasure seeing all the exhibitors there focused on health issues. The turnout was not was not what we expected but still it gave us good insight as to what people are talking about with their concerns, opinions and overall health care issues.
We will be moving forward and preparing for our seminar early next year and we appreciate all the feedback we have received.
Our website is getting closer to launch and I look forward to meeting new patients as well as taking my existing patients along on my journey with Health Awareness Mentoring.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Health Awareness Fair - Idaho Business League

I am pleased to announce that "Life To Your Years" will be having an exhibit at the 17th Annual Idaho Business League Health, Beauty & Fitness Fair on Saturday October 17th from 10am-5:00pm and Sunday October 18th from 10am-4:00pm. A fun Wellness Event for All Ages and held at the Idaho Expo on 5610 Glenwood, Boise, Idaho 83714.
Many people have questions about their health and all they want are clear and simple answers. Where do they turn for answers? The annual Idaho Health, Beauty and Fitness Fair.
Health Fair targets individuals, families and seniors with this free, fun-filled, educational, general public event emphasizing information, vaccinations, testing, screenings and samples.
I look forward to seeing you there and reviewing all the wonders of Health Awareness Mentoring.

Monday, October 12, 2009


What is Columbus Day?
Columbus Day is a holiday celebrating the anniversary of the October 12, 1492 arrival of Europeans to the Americas. Christopher Columbus was a was a navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere.
What a perfect example of being your own explorer and advocate for Health Awareness Mentorning. To learn and explore all you can about your health and staying healthy.
May everyone enjoy this holiday and learn about Christopher Columbus.

Friday, October 9, 2009

"The Health Care Revolution" - The Dream and the Vehicle

The Health care system in this country should be devoted to support each one of us through our life journey.
“We need the Inspiration to take care of ourselves, to get healthy, maximize our health and live productive lives”
Health care begins and ends with a decision of whether or not our health is important to us. If we value health recognizing it is one of the most important aspects of our lives that accompanies us from birth to death, we begin to understand the importance of protecting, nurturing and improving it.
Health care reform will only truly mature toward a health care system for the people, by the people and of the people when we recognize it must be repaired from the ground-up not from the top- down. Administrators, legislators, CEOs, and even teachers or philosophers are confused and even lost in understanding the essence of health, and what it takes to get healthy and stay healthy. This is why it is so important that you value your health as a precious and unique asset. It is your privilege and responsibility to recognize that no one should ever understand it better than you. It lives inside of you and runs like an incredibly sophisticated and intuitive computer. Health care reform in its journey to restructure health care delivery should acknowledge and demand respect for that truth to be able to create a health care system that is truly dedicated to taking care of its people. This is how to develop a system from the bottom- up, from the individual upward towards bureaucracy and management, rather than the other way around.
To create a health care system that truly understands who you are, what you are about and how to take care of you is about a system that is interested in supporting you in getting healthy and staying healthy. The current health care system is more preoccupied with how to get you out of illness rather than to keep you out of illness. When we view health as an investment rather than a lottery we will not have to worry about it being inappropriately legislated, exploited by entrepreneurs or the media, or viewed as a vehicle to fame or fortune. We don’t want a health care system that benefits at someone else’s expense. Health is not a commodity, it is a gift, and like everything else in life it can be appreciated, honored and protected or it can be exploited. Health care should support a personalized lifestyle of continued understanding and practice of understanding and reaching for optimal health.
The development of such an idea, a process, a dream, and a system starts within the dormant brilliance of the heart, mind and soul. As you begin to recognize your capacity, your abilities, and your talents, a vision of possibilities will unfold. Acknowledging your health as a vehicle and an asset of incomprehensible value that accompanies you from birth to death is an awakening of a wisdom that will ignite and fuel change in your life. As your awareness expands and your eyes are fully able to comprehend your own health, you begin to understand the importance of protecting, nurturing, and improving it throughout life. The objective of health awareness mentoring is to stimulate that awakening as soon in life as possible and then nurture it throughout your life.
White House Reform Status

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Something Wonderful in Technology is Coming Our Way

In my practice I get many questions and one that has been resurfacing over and over again is "Dr. Sams, why don't you have a website to share all your vast health knowledge"? Well, it's with great pleasure that I announce the development of our website "Life To Your Years" (
My team and I have been working very hard to produce a great website that will ensure the best information possible for all of our patients. In the coming weeks we will have great website to have the all the resources dedicated in keeping it up to date and provide a one source information highway to guide you in all aspects of "great health".
Our site will expose you to Chiropractic care as well as Health Awareness Mentoring which I have been promoting my whole career. I'm passionate to share my vision and dedicated that everyone has the opportunity to share in this wonderful new endeavor.
The benefits of having this new form of communication will be informative health related topics, customized newsletters, a patient center for forms, the ability to request an appointment, a health and wellness library of content and articles of interest. As we move forward with this new tool we will be developing an online store, a payment center for treatments and presenting other new feature enhancements specially designed for you.
I know you will embrace this site and my team and I are happy to have this new form of technology and communication to better serve you.
I thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing your comments and please don't hesitate to make suggestions on issues you think are important.
I will keep you informed as we approach the launch of "Life To Your Years".

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It Happend Again! - Has it Happend To You?

It happened again, this time over great food with a friend. During a lunch buffet at the Mai Thai restaurant in Eagle, modern Thai and Japanese Cusine, with one of the most flavorful, healthy and best priced experiences for me in the treasure valley. Lunch was with Farzine, a realtor who I consider to be a wise, gentle, kind, generous, and honest businessman.
During the course of our conversation he mentioned he didn’t eat chicken which of course caught my attention. I asked why and he said “I’m type B blood type”. Because of my interest in “Eating right 4 your blood type I was immediately on to specific questioning. I discovered again, yet another person who read, understood, and was practicing some of the health principles found in this book. I as particularly impressed because he believed in the same approach to the philosophy that I did. It’s not about making your whole life and food experience evolve around how and what kinds of food you eat, but to certainly pay attention to how they affect your health and then make better food choices. Another one of those delicious and enlightening lunch time experiences with a friend.

Friday, October 2, 2009

How Does It Feel To Be Loved?

In those hours of self pity, self doubt and discouragement I would probably say “I don’t know” how it feels to be loved. There aren’t too many subjects, that have been written about more than this subject. I’ve heard it been said that love is more a decision than a feeling and I am beginning to believe that is true.
I had a phone discussion with a friend last night that reminded of the power of that decision...I’ll call it my “decision to love.” In reflection of memories of past feelings and my interpretation of them I believe I know what it is like to not feel loved. If you are a human being and you live on this planet you probably have “experienced or felt” similar feelings at one time another in your lifetime. It does not feel good. As a matter of fact I would call it some of the darkest hours of my existence when the loneliness and despair seem like (although I acknowledge truly brief) painfully endless periods of time.
Then somehow or other (many discussions in the future on how that is) I pull out of it, the sun shines, the emptiness disappears, and life feels full and incredibly satisfying again. Why? I believe this is a natural cycle that most of us experience and must learn to manage to truly be healthy. The absence of understanding and even appreciating the value of these kind of experiences in our lives frequently leads to the abuse of antidepressants, misguided counseling, and self perpetuated and unnecessary depression. Please do not misunderstand. I am very empathetic to those who experience legitimate (particularly chemically/physiologically induced depression. I refer now to those of us in the majority who do not fit in that category. Those of us who in the realm of living and life’s experiences must learn to accept, understand and develop healthy coping mechanisms (attitudes) about how to handle this kind of stress. Yes, I said it. I refer to yet another kind of stress (depression that comes from not feeling loved) that can destroy our health if we don’t learn to manage it well.
So what does this have to do with the decision to love? When these occasions (dark hours) show up in our lives it then becomes the time to employ some of our stress and emotional management tools. Finding the courage to open our eyes to acknowledge those in our lives who do love us is the process of making love a decision. Our struggle during those times is lightened when we chose to abandon self absorption and what feels to be missing in our lives...and consciously replace them with the positive emotions of appreciation and gratitude. I have learned to be grateful and to savor the subtleties in gestures that say I love you, appreciate you, and thank you. It brings tears to my eyes, a palpable warmth to my heart, and a renewal of the feeling that I know what it is like to feel loved.